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  1. OpenShift Service Mesh
  2. OSSM-6693

Enable Gateway API by default in cluster-wide mode


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      Kubernetes Gateway API is enabled by default in SMCP v2.6 if cluster-wide mode is enabled (`spec.mode: ClusterWide`).
      Tech-preview setting for enabling/disabling Kubernetes Gateway API, i.e. `spec.techPreview.gatewayAPI.enabled`, is no longer honored in cluster-wide mode. If a user wants to disable this feature, it can be done with environment variable:
                  PILOT_ENABLE_GATEWAY_API: "false"
      Please note that the support for Kubernetes Gateway API can be enabled even if the CRDs are not installed in the cluster.
      Kubernetes Gateway API is enabled by default in SMCP v2.6 if cluster-wide mode is enabled (`spec.mode: ClusterWide`). Tech-preview setting for enabling/disabling Kubernetes Gateway API, i.e. `spec.techPreview.gatewayAPI.enabled`, is no longer honored in cluster-wide mode. If a user wants to disable this feature, it can be done with environment variable: ``` spec:   runtime:     components:       pilot:         container:           env:             PILOT_ENABLE_GATEWAY_API: "false" ``` Please note that the support for Kubernetes Gateway API can be enabled even if the CRDs are not installed in the cluster.

          jewertow@redhat.com Jacek Ewertowski
          dgrimm@redhat.com Daniel Grimm
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