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  1. OpenShift Service Mesh
  2. OSSM-6580

Release Notes Page for OSSM 3.0


    • False
    • None
    • False

      Service Mesh 3.0 should include a skeleton release notes page for TP1. This will give us an opportunity to test drive a new format before 3.0 GA, as well as a place to document 3.0 Tech Preview release notes.

      As discussed in the past, we should look at a different format that consolidates all of the information from a given release under a single heading, similar to how Serverless, Pipelines and GitOps structure their release notes:

      The above are just possibilities, and we should design a page that will work best for service mesh's unique challenges.

      We will need a component version support matrix similar to the one in Pipelines, though it will probably be simpler. Each OSSM 3.x operator version will map to a set of Istio and Kiali versions...and OCP versions. 

      We will need a feature support table, similar to the one in Serverless' release note page, but given the breadth of service mesh, it may be better to document that on a separate page.

      CC gmonahan rhn-support-tokeefe Not sure if there was an issue for this in 3.0, but I couldn't find one, so wanted to created it.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            jlongmui@redhat.com Jamie Longmuir
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