Resolution: Duplicate
OSSM 2.5.1
When installing OSSM 2.5.1 operator and a group of other operators (See reproducer steps in comments) at the same time, the OSSM operator pod is not ready and controller runtime manager fails to start with leader election errors:
E0426 17:24:38.923779 1 leaderelection.go:356] Failed to update lock: Put "": context deadline exceeded I0426 17:24:38.923845 1 leaderelection.go:277] failed to renew lease openshift-operators/istio-operator-lock: timed out waiting for the condition {"level":"error","ts":1714152278.9238813,"logger":"cmd","msg":"Manager exited non-zero","error":"leader election lost","stacktrace":"github.com/go-logr/zapr.(*zapLogger).Error\n\t/remote-source/istio-operator/app/vendor/github.com/go-logr/zapr/zapr.go:132\nmain.main\n\t/remote-source/istio-operator/app/cmd/manager/main.go:200\nruntime.main\n\t/usr/lib/golang/src/runtime/proc.go:250"}
OCP version: 4.15.9
OSSM operator : 2.5.1
How to reproduce :
- relates to
OSSM-6762 Move webhook management from the operator to OLM
- Closed
OSSM-6426 Add config options for leader election
- Closed
- links to
RHBA-2024:131875 Release of components for OSSM 2.5.