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  1. OpenShift Service Mesh
  2. OSSM-6257

OTEL exporters doesn't work with Tempo in Istio


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.)

      I followed "Configuring the distributed tracing platform (Tempo)" section from the documentation to use Tempo with Istio and Kiali. After deploying everything, I'm able to see the traces generated by Envoy in the Jaeger UI and Kiali.

      When deploying a workload that needs to use OTLP HTTP exporter, I continue seeing the traces generated by Envoy but not the ones generated by my application.

      When I exclude the tracing-system from the ServiceMeshMemberRoll object, I can get the traces from my application but not from the Envoy proxy.

      The usage of the OTLP HTTP exporter is a very common use case and we should document how customers need to configure OSSM to make it work when using Tempo. This works when using Jaeger.

      I think maybe there is some kind of object or setting that needs to be enabled to make this work but I was not able to get any log or error to get any kind of hint about what is happening.

      For reference, I'm instrumenting a Python application with this Instrumentation object:

      apiVersion: opentelemetry.io/v1alpha1
      kind: Instrumentation
        name: python
        namespace: demo
          # Python autoinstrumentation uses http/proto by default
          # so data must be sent to 4318 instead of 4317.
          endpoint: http://tempo-sample-distributor.tracing-system.svc.cluster.local:4318
          - tracecontext
          - baggage
          - b3multi
          type: parentbased_traceidratio
          argument: "1"
          addK8sUIDAttributes: true

      And this is the application:

      import flask
      from time import sleep
      import requests
      app = flask.Flask(__name__)
      def no_forwarding():
          # Simulate some work
          response = requests.get('http://app2:9080')
          # Simulate some work
          return flask.Response(response.text)

            yuaxu@redhat.com Yuanlin Xu
            rhn-support-iblancas Israel Blancas Alvarez
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
