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  1. OpenShift Service Mesh
  2. OSSM-6189

Update status even when status can't be determined


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • OSSM 3.0-TP1
    • None
    • Project Sail
    • None

      Currently, if an error occurs while the operator is trying to determine the object status, the operator returns the error so that the reconciliation is retried, but it doesn't update the status itself, even though the could set condition state to Unknown.

      This isn't a problem if the next reconciliation succeeds, but when it doesn't, the object status will indicate the wrong information for a potentially long time (e.g. it would show that the control plane is ready even when it isn't).

      As a user, I want the object status to be as up-to-date as possible, so that I know exactly what's going on, without having to inspect the operator log.

            mluksa@redhat.com Marko Luksa
            mluksa@redhat.com Marko Luksa
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