Resolution: Unresolved
Dual Stack (IPv4/IPv6) - Tech Preview +
Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.), Release Notes
In Progress
13% To Do, 0% In Progress, 88% Done
This epic is to contain tasks necessary to promote the status of OpenShift Service Mesh on IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack clusters from its current (As of 2.5) developer preview status to "Technology Preview" or beyond to "Generally availability".
To make the feature promotion, we have to be satisfied that:
- Upstream Istio dual-stack for the version of Istio supported by OSSM is mature enough to be supported (necessary for GA)
- If need, we have ongoing regression testing in place for service mesh in a dual-stack environment (necessary for GA)
- The service mesh team has the means to create environments for testing/reproducing issues raised. (necessary for TP)
- We have enough product documentation for users to get started with dual-stack (ie a downstream equivalent of https://istio.io/latest/docs/setup/additional-setup/dual-stack/) (needed for TP)