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  1. OpenShift Service Mesh
  2. OSSM-6005

Dual Stack (IPv4/IPv6) - Tech Preview


    • Dual Stack (IPv4/IPv6) - Tech Preview +
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.), Release Notes
    • In Progress
    • 13% To Do, 0% In Progress, 88% Done
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      This release includes IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack support as a technology preview. It aligns with the upstream Istio project's 'Alpha' status and is feature-complete for Istio when using sidecars. Dual Stack helps organizations smoothly transition to IPv6, while still maintaining compatibility with their existing IPv4 setup. This feature is disabled by default but can be enabled with specific configuration changes as shown below as part of `Istio` resource.

                ISTIO_DUAL_STACK: "true"
            ipFamilyPolicy: RequireDualStack
              ISTIO_DUAL_STACK: "true"


      Additional notes:
      The ISTIO_DUAL_STACK flag needs to be set in meshConfig for datapath support and in the pilot config for the control plane support.
      Both must be enabled for dual-stack functionality to work in Istio. Configuring ipFamilyPolicy to RequireDualStack will make the Istiod service listen on both IPv4 and IPv6 endpoints.

      This release includes IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack support as a technology preview. It aligns with the upstream Istio project's 'Alpha' status and is feature-complete for Istio when using sidecars. Dual Stack helps organizations smoothly transition to IPv6, while still maintaining compatibility with their existing IPv4 setup. This feature is disabled by default but can be enabled with specific configuration changes as shown below as part of `Istio` resource. spec:   values:     meshConfig:       defaultConfig:         proxyMetadata:           ISTIO_DUAL_STACK: "true"     pilot:       ipFamilyPolicy: RequireDualStack       env:         ISTIO_DUAL_STACK: "true"   Additional notes: The ISTIO_DUAL_STACK flag needs to be set in meshConfig for datapath support and in the pilot config for the control plane support. Both must be enabled for dual-stack functionality to work in Istio. Configuring ipFamilyPolicy to RequireDualStack will make the Istiod service listen on both IPv4 and IPv6 endpoints.
    • XL

      This epic is to contain tasks necessary to promote the status of OpenShift Service Mesh on IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack clusters from its current (As of 2.5) developer preview status to "Technology Preview" or beyond to "Generally availability".

      To make the feature promotion, we have to be satisfied that:

      • Upstream Istio dual-stack for the version of Istio supported by OSSM is mature enough to be supported (necessary for GA)
      • If need, we have ongoing regression testing in place for service mesh in a dual-stack environment (necessary for GA)
      • The service mesh team has the means to create environments for testing/reproducing issues raised. (necessary for TP)
      • We have enough product documentation for users to get started with dual-stack (ie a downstream equivalent of https://istio.io/latest/docs/setup/additional-setup/dual-stack/) (needed for TP)

              sgaddam@redhat.com Gaddam Sridhar
              jlongmui@redhat.com Jamie Longmuir
              Gaddam Sridhar, Matej Kralik
              0 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
