
    • False
    • None
    • False

      I have been following https://github.com/maistra/istio-operator/blob/maistra-3.0/bundle/README.md on a fresh OCP 4.14 cluster and wanted to provide some feedback:


      Deploying Istio (https://github.com/maistra/istio-operator/blob/maistra-3.0/bundle/README.md#deploying-istio)

      Step 7 says "Verify that the pods were created", but in my cluster I only see one istiod pod created. As a reader I can't tell if this is right or wrong (and it feels wrong, because I was expecting multiple pods). This step also links to https://istio.io/latest/docs/setup/platform-setup/openshift/ but it does not really help me to better understand what's the expected outcome.


      Istio Addons Integrations (there is a copy/paste error in a few sections here):

      Grafana (https://github.com/maistra/istio-operator/blob/maistra-3.0/bundle/README.md#grafana)

      "To install Prometheus you will need to follow this steps:"  ==> should be Grafana and not Prometheus

      Jaeger (https://github.com/maistra/istio-operator/blob/maistra-3.0/bundle/README.md#jaeger)

      "To install Prometheus you will need to follow this steps:"  ==> should be Jaeger and not Prometheus

      Kaili (https://github.com/maistra/istio-operator/blob/maistra-3.0/bundle/README.md#jaeger)

      "To install Prometheus you will need to follow this steps:"  ==> should be Kaili and not Prometheus

            rhn-support-tokeefe Tim O'Keefe
            nyechiel@redhat.com Nir Yechiel
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
