Resolution: Done
Clone this issue for each new release, then update with the appropriate X.Y information.
Component versions:
- Istio version
- Envoy version
- Kiali version
- Jaeger version
Link to release readiness doc:
New Features
2.4.5 Release Notes query: https://spaces.redhat.com/display/OSSM/Release+Note+Tracker+2.4.5
General Known Issues query (not specific to any version): https://issues.redhat.com/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20%22OpenShift%20Service%20Mesh%22%20AND%20%22Release%20Note%20Type%22%20%3D%20%22Known%20Issue%22%20AND%20(%22Release%20Note%20Status%22%20!%3D%20Done%20OR%20%22Release%20Note%20Status%22%20is%20EMPTY)
- clones
OSSM-4422 OSSM x.y.z (At Stage): [DOC] Release Notes, Known Issues and Bug Fixes
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- links to
(2 links to)