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  1. OpenShift Service Mesh
  2. OSSM-4874

[DOC] 2.4.4 Release Notes


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      ---DRAFT CONTENT---

      Fixed issue in current release:

      * https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OSSM-4851[OSSM-4851] Previously, an error occurred in the operator deploying new pods in a namespace scoped inside the mesh when `runAsGroup`, `runAsUser`, or `fsGroup` were `nil`. Now, a yaml validation has been added to avoid the `nil` value.

      * https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OSSM-3771[OSSM-3771] Previously, OpenShift routes could not be disabled for additional ingress gateways defined in a Service Mesh Control Plane (SMCP). Now, a routeConfig block can be added to each additionalIngress gateway so the creation of OpenShift routes can be enabled or disabled for each gateway.
      ---DRAFT CONTENT--- Fixed issue in current release: * https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OSSM-4851 [ OSSM-4851 ] Previously, an error occurred in the operator deploying new pods in a namespace scoped inside the mesh when `runAsGroup`, `runAsUser`, or `fsGroup` were `nil`. Now, a yaml validation has been added to avoid the `nil` value. * https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OSSM-3771 [ OSSM-3771 ] Previously, OpenShift routes could not be disabled for additional ingress gateways defined in a Service Mesh Control Plane (SMCP). Now, a routeConfig block can be added to each additionalIngress gateway so the creation of OpenShift routes can be enabled or disabled for each gateway.
    • In Progress

      Jira issue for 2.4.4. Release Notes. 

      Jira issue tracker for 2.4.4: https://issues.redhat.com/projects/OSSM/versions/12410577

      Confluence page tracking Jira issues/tickets/stories that have "Release Notes" checked: https://spaces.redhat.com/display/OSSM/Release+Note+Tracker+2.4.4 (check under "Catch-all" header)

      Component Updates: TBD


            rhn-support-gmonahan Gwynne Monahan
            rhn-support-gmonahan Gwynne Monahan
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