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  1. OpenShift Service Mesh
  2. OSSM-4397

CNI DaemonSet can't create Pod because of SCC


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • Sail MVP1
    • None
    • Project Sail
    • None
    • Sprint 11

      Error creating: pods "istio-cni-node-" is forbidden: unable to validate against any security context constraint: [provider "anyuid": Forbidden: not usable by user or serviceaccount, spec.volumes[0]: Invalid value: "hostPath": hostPath volumes are not allowed to be used, spec.volumes[1]: Invalid value: "hostPath": hostPath volumes are not allowed to be used, spec.volumes[2]: Invalid value: "hostPath": hostPath volumes are not allowed to be used, spec.volumes[3]: Invalid value: "hostPath": hostPath volumes are not allowed to be used, spec.containers[0].securityContext.runAsUser: Invalid value: 0: must be in the ranges: [1000380000, 1000389999], provider "restricted": Forbidden: not usable by user or serviceaccount, provider "nonroot-v2": Forbidden: not usable by user or serviceaccount, provider "nonroot": Forbidden: not usable by user or serviceaccount, provider "hostmount-anyuid": Forbidden: not usable by user or serviceaccount, provider "machine-api-termination-handler": Forbidden: not usable by user or serviceaccount, provider "hostnetwork-v2": Forbidden: not usable by user or serviceaccount, provider "hostnetwork": Forbidden: not usable by user or serviceaccount, provider "hostaccess": Forbidden: not usable by user or serviceaccount, provider "hostpath-provisioner": Forbidden: not usable by user or serviceaccount, provider "privileged": Forbidden: not usable by user or serviceaccount]

            mluksa@redhat.com Marko Luksa
            mluksa@redhat.com Marko Luksa
            0 Vote for this issue
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