• False
    • None
    • False

      Right now the cleanup function for this subtest case is doing a touch for the SMCP but it's not working properly, so we need to revert the patch that is done in the deployment istio-egressgateway

      Actual cleanup:

      t.Cleanup(func() {
      				app.Uninstall(t, app.NginxExternalMTLS(ns.MeshExternal))
      				oc.DeleteSecret(t, meshNamespace, "nginx-client-certs", "nginx-ca-certs")
      				oc.DeleteFromTemplate(t, ns.Bookinfo, nginxTlsIstioMutualGateway, smcp)
      				oc.DeleteFromString(t, meshNamespace, nginxServiceEntry, originateMtlsToNginx)
      				// revert patch to istio-egressgateway
      				oc.TouchSMCP(t, meshNamespace, smcp.Name)
      				// TODO: this is a potential bug; investigate why the following is necessary
      				// ingressgateway needs to be restarted or it will continue reporting the following error:
      				// error	cache	resource:file-root:/etc/istio/nginx-ca-certs/example.com.crt failed to generate secret for proxy from file: open /etc/istio/nginx-ca-certs/example.com.crt: no such file or directory
      				oc.DeletePod(t, pod.MatchingSelector("app=istio-ingressgateway", meshNamespace))

              frherrer@redhat.com Francisco Herrera Lira (Inactive)
              frherrer@redhat.com Francisco Herrera Lira (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
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