• Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Obsolete
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • OSSM 2.0.0, OSSM 2.1.0
    • Documentation

      As a cluster-administrator, I want to know what add-on component configurations are supported in the ServiceMeshControlPlane, so that I can configure the SMCP for my mesh.

      Create a module to document the configuration settings in under `spec.addons` in the SMCP and add it to the ossm-reference-smcp.adoc assembly file.

      This section covers:

      • 3scale  (Check to see if this is already covered in the 3scale docs?)
      • grafana
      • jaeger (already documented in ossm-reference-jaeger.adoc assembly)
      • kiali (will be documented in ossm-reference-kiali.adoc assembly once OSSMDOC-168 is complete)
      • prometheus
      • NOTE: stackdriver is not supported in the product, do not include this section

      GitHub reference documentation - https://github.com/maistra/api/blob/maistra-2.1/docs/crd/maistra.io_ServiceMeshControlPlane_AddonsConfig_v2.adoc

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              cbremble@redhat.com Claire Bremble
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