Uploaded image for project: 'OpenShift Service Mesh'
  1. OpenShift Service Mesh
  2. OSSM-289

No Traces on istio-system Services


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • ossm 2.0.1
    • OSSM 2.0.0
    • Kiali
    • None
    • False
    • False
    • qa_ack
    • Undefined

      For services 'istio-ingressgateway' and 'jaeger-query' there should be displayed Traces in Service Details page, but it is empty. Traces exists in Jaeger.

        1. Screenshot from 2020-10-28 09-34-08.png
          Screenshot from 2020-10-28 09-34-08.png
          62 kB
        2. Screenshot from 2020-10-28 09-33-17.png
          Screenshot from 2020-10-28 09-33-17.png
          150 kB
        3. trace 1.png
          trace 1.png
          59 kB
        4. trace 2.png
          trace 2.png
          57 kB
        5. trace 2.png
          trace 2.png
          57 kB
        6. tracess- istio.png
          tracess- istio.png
          70 kB
        7. traces -ossm .png
          traces -ossm .png
          49 kB

            rhn-engineering-jshaughn Jay Shaughnessy
            hhovsepy@redhat.com Hayk Hovsepyan
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
