Resolution: Done
OSSM 1.1.0
Epic in Jira = [OSSM-5] , [MAISTRA-88]
Google doc for Epic = https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E4ijrj9Gf5cWM91ic5DXnfVBPA0lwa12_mHkQ9DDCRI/edit#heading=h.9khfep37qdjo
User Story = As a sysadmin I want the Istio commands available via the standard "oc" tool so that I don't need to separately manage a different tool which duplicates the functionality of the "oc" tool I will use for other clusters. (ISTIOCTL tooling)
Research references =
- is documented by
OSSM-2550 Include upstream Maistra documentation to compare Istio and Service Mesh
- Closed