Resolution: Done
As part of Cluster Wide validation, measuring istiod requests is a task for QE to validate. This task was agreed to be done post OSSM 2.3.0, due to other testing priorities:
For QE: to verify the number of requests istiod sends to the OpenShift API, do the following:
1. After creating the SMCP, patch the istiod Deployment object to enable API request logging:
kubectl patch deploy istiod-clusterscoped --type='json' -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/args/-", "value": "--logKubernetesApiRequests"}]'
2. After istiod is restarted due to the SMCP update in the previous step, observe the number of requests sent by grepping the istiod log:
kubectl logs deploy/istiod-clusterscoped | grep "Performing Kubernetes API request" | wc
When istiod runs in cluster-wide mode, the number of requests should be around 150, whereas in multi-tenant mode, the number of requests depends on the number of member namespaces. For 100 member namespaces, istiod makes around 4500 requests.