Resolution: Done
OSSM 2.1.0, OSSM 2.1.1
OSSM doesn't follow the same rules as OpenShift does to inject annotations into the pods.
One can define annotations for a container in a deployment like this:
34 template: 35 metadata: 36 annotations: 37 openshift.io/generated-by: OpenShiftNewApp 38 sidecar.istio.io/inject: "true" 39 test1.annotation-from-deployment: test1 40 test2.annotation-from-deployment: '["test2"]' 41 test3.annotation-from-deployment: test-3 42 test4.annotation-from-deployment: test_4 43 test5.annotation-from-deployment: '{test5}'
And the resulting pod will have the annotations set correctly:
45 test1.annotation-from-deployment: test1 46 test2.annotation-from-deployment: '["test2"]' 47 test3.annotation-from-deployment: test-3 48 test4.annotation-from-deployment: test_4 49 test5.annotation-from-deployment: '{test5}' 50 traffic.sidecar.istio.io/excludeInboundPorts: 15090,15021
When defining simple annotations in the injections section of the SMCP, it works as expected:
30 proxy:
31 accessLogging:
32 file:
33 name: /dev/stdout
34 injection:
35 injection:
36 autoInject: true
37 injectedAnnotations:
38 test0.annotation-from-smcp: test0
And the pod gets the annotation from the SMCP as well as the annotation from the deployment:
45 test0.annotation-from-smcp: test0 46 test1.annotation-from-deployment: test1 47 test2.annotation-from-deployment: '["test2"]' 48 test3.annotation-from-deployment: test-3 49 test4.annotation-from-deployment: test_4 50 test5.annotation-from-deployment: '{test5}' 51 traffic.sidecar.istio.io/excludeInboundPorts: 15090,15021
But when using annotations that include the symbols "[" , "]" , "{" , "}", the annotations are no longer injected in the pod:
34 injection: 35 autoInject: true 36 injectedAnnotations: 37 test0.annotation-from-smcp: test0 38 test1.annotation-from-smcp: test1 39 test2.annotation-from-smcp: '["test2"]' 40 test3.annotation-from-smcp: '{test3}'
These annotations seem to be ignored. Even if you add another valid annotations, if there's any non-valid character in one of the new annotations, all the new annotations in the SMCP are omitted:
45 test0.annotation-from-smcp: test0 46 test1.annotation-from-deployment: test1 47 test1.annotation-from-smcp: test1 48 test2.annotation-from-deployment: '["test2"]' 49 test3.annotation-from-deployment: test-3 50 test4.annotation-from-deployment: test_4 51 test5.annotation-from-deployment: '{test5}' 52 traffic.sidecar.istio.io/excludeInboundPorts: 15090,15021
The istiod pod shows the following error:
2022-02-15T13:19:34.799227Z error update error: failed to unmarshal injection template: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 10: did not find expected key
That seems to come from here: https://github.com/maistra/istio/blob/5f8f4917ef775c5a8696fa9a096cab1a051f24dc/pkg/kube/inject/inject.go#L153
Can we change the behaviour of the injections to match the way K8s/OpenShift behaving when adding annotations to the deployments?
- relates to
OSSM-8259 MTT: Extend tests for annotations
- Closed
- mentioned on