
    • Enable unified limits in 18.0
    • 18
    • False
    • False
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    • In Progress
    • OSP-14490 - Large scale scheduling
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    • 20% To Do, 40% In Progress, 40% Done
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      .Certain Nova APIs do not proxy to Keystone

      The following Nova APIs do not proxy to Keystone at this time, meaning that when you call the API you do not see the limits that you set in Keystone. You instead see legacy quota limits that are not being used when unified limits are enabled. Note that GET /limits is the API used by Horizon to show quota limits.

      * GET /limits (https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/compute/#limits-limits)
      * GET /os-quota-sets/{project_id} (https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/compute/#show-a-quota)
      * GET /os-quota-sets/{project_id}/defaults (https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/compute/#list-default-quotas-for-tenant)

      The following Nova APIs do not work with unified limits and do not proxy to Keystone. They are intended for deprecation and eventual removal when legacy quotas are deprecated and removed:

      * PUT /os-quota-sets/{project_id}
      * DELETE /os-quota-sets/{project_id}
      * GET /os-quota-class-sets/{id}
      * PUT /os-quota-class-sets/{id}
      .Certain Nova APIs do not proxy to Keystone The following Nova APIs do not proxy to Keystone at this time, meaning that when you call the API you do not see the limits that you set in Keystone. You instead see legacy quota limits that are not being used when unified limits are enabled. Note that GET /limits is the API used by Horizon to show quota limits. * GET /limits ( https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/compute/#limits-limits ) * GET /os-quota-sets/{project_id} ( https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/compute/#show-a-quota ) * GET /os-quota-sets/{project_id}/defaults ( https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/compute/#list-default-quotas-for-tenant ) The following Nova APIs do not work with unified limits and do not proxy to Keystone. They are intended for deprecation and eventual removal when legacy quotas are deprecated and removed: * PUT /os-quota-sets/{project_id} * DELETE /os-quota-sets/{project_id} * GET /os-quota-class-sets/{id} * PUT /os-quota-class-sets/{id}
    • Known Issue
    • Done

      This epic is about supporting unified limits in OSP18.



      We will need to create stories accordingly.


      Old description :

      We need a procedure that:

      • changes nova's quota driver via the OpenStackControlPlane CR
        • which services needs the drive config? api, conductor, scheduler or we need to config compute too?
      • describe how to manually define default limits for greenfield
      • describe how to manually migrate existing quota config for adoption
        • or backport the nova-manage limit command to Antelope from Bobcat
        • or state that unified limits only supposed to be enabled on greenfield as day one operation
      • describe that no defined limit means 0 quota for that resource


              mwitt@redhat.com melanie witt
              rh-ee-bgibizer Balazs Gibizer
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
