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  1. Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift
  2. OSPRH-9402

ci-framework: Add role/plugin to deploy OSP


    • ci-framework: Add role/plugin to deploy OSP
    • 20
    • False
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    • False
    • Not Selected
    • Proposed
    • No Docs Impact
    • To Do
    • Proposed
    • Proposed
    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
    • Release Note Not Required
    • Sprint 101, Sprint 102, Sprint 103
    • 3
    • 2024Q3
    • Critical

      Being able to develop and test scenarios for Adoption means that we need to be capable of standing up OSP in the right infrastructure quickly and effectively with a known topology and configuration.

      Given that we have a set of Deployed Topologies (DTs) defined in the architecture repository, it stands to reason that we would want to leverage the same topologies for testing Adoption. In order to do that we would like the ability to store a set of configurations in the same repository that configure a RHOSP environment with the same topology and configuration as set out for RHOSO.

      For this to work, ci-framework needs to be able to stand up a set of hosts for TripleO to consume (OSPRH-9400), and it needs to be able to consume an output that describes the inventory available to run a RHOSP 17.1 deployment on those machines using a set of configurations from the architecture repository. This is similar in concept to the 'scenario' set that was used for TripleO CI.

      The request for this Epic is to do the enablement of the RHOSP deployment in ci-framework, not to define the equivalent RHOSP scenario for each DT. The work to define the configuration for each DT will be defined in other Epics.

              jgilaber@redhat.com Joan Francesc Gilabert Navarro
              rhn-engineering-jpretori Jesse Pretorius
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
