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  1. Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift
  2. OSPRH-8134

Implement predictable IP generation for miniDNS service


    • VANS-005
    • 1
    • Important

      The designate miniDNS will need a predictable IP mechanism similar to what is used for Octavia's amphoracontrollers. This task is specific to the miniDNS server as it is a daemonset and will use the list of available workers to generate a list of IPs that are valid for the designate network attachment's CIDR range but do not overlap with the address range defined in the attachment's IPAM config.

      The task has these main elements

      1. getting a list of the worker nodes
      2. checking for existing IP allocations
      3. able to interpret the contents designate network attachment
      4. allocate IP's from the available range for miniDNS instances that are missing values

      Note: (3.) is partly being implemented as per the bind9 server configuration - so check with the dev on that and perhaps an intermediate PR to add that support is appropriate.

              oschwart1 Omer Schwartz
              rhn-engineering-beagles Brent Eagles
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
