
    • Important

      I started with a controlplane, which had TLS enabled (Rabbit had TLS enabled as expected). Then I disabled TLS in the control plane CR, but rabbit still runs behind TLS.

      • related compose
        • quay.io/openstack-k8s-operators/openstack-operator@sha256:c036f2eed4ad0c850bed365d7214a1b4145ce82456deb33698d8600347c91f6b
        • quay.io/openstack-k8s-operators/rabbitmq-cluster-operator@sha256:396212f6cb378d54afbe6ff2401cca844f5d17c75a966b71f057aab0a4b32c86
      • _How reproducible
        • Always
      • Steps to reproduce
        • Deploy a controlplane with TLS enabled
        • Disable TLS on ingress and podLevel (I think podLevel should be enough)
        • Curl the prometheus or management endpoint to see if it uses TLS (it does even though it shouldn't)
      • _Expected result
        • The RabbitMQ endpoint is reachable through HTTP
      • _Actual results
        • RabbitMQ endpoint still uses HTTPS
      • Additional info:
        • The deployed controlplane with TLS disabled
        • _oscp.yaml


      1. TYPE erlang_mnesia_held_locks gauge
      2. HELP erlang_mnesia_held_locks Number of held locks.
        erlang_mnesia_held_locks 0
      3. TYPE erlang_mnesia_lock_queue gauge
      4. HELP erlang_mnesia_lock_queue Number of transactions waiting for a lock.
        erlang_mnesia_lock_queue 0
      5. TYPE erlang_mnesia_transaction_participants gauge
      6. HELP erlang_mnesia_transaction_participants Number of participant transactions.
        erlang_mnesia_transaction_participants 0
      7. TYPE erlang_mnesia_transaction_coordinators gauge_

        1. oscp.yaml
          42 kB
          Jaromir Wysoglad

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            rh-ee-jwysogla Jaromir Wysoglad
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