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  1. Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift
  2. OSPRH-6546

neutron network mtu is not configured in the ci jobs


    • Neutron Sprint 96, Neutron Sprint 97
    • Important

      tempest.scenario.test_network_basic_ops.TestNetworkBasicOps.test_mtu_sized_frames currently fials because the the maxium mtu is not configured correctly in ci.

      there are several ways to do this but the normal way to do this is via the neutron config via the
      [DEFAULT]/global_physnet_mtu and [ml2]/path_mtu config options

      tempest uses the mtu of the network to determine the maximum mtu size that should be sent for test_mtu_sized_frames so neuton should be configured to do that automatically

      while this could be addressed in the ci framework i belive this is a bug in the neutron operator as it should be introspeciting the network attachment for the tenant network and calculating the correct mtu automatically.

      altherinitvly if the networking dfg beilve this should be done manually when deploying instead of automating this in the neuton operator this could be moved to a ci-framework bug or edpm-ansible bug to implement there instead


      As per comment made by smooney@redhat.com this should be fixed on the ci-framework's side and global_physnet_mtu and path_mtu should be set in neutron config through the config override.

            ykarel@redhat.com Yatin Karel
            smooney@redhat.com Sean Mooney
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