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  1. Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift
  2. OSPRH-5739

Deploy OSP18 with Logging enabled


    • CloudOps 2024 Sprint 7, CloudOps 2024 Sprint 8
    • CloudOps

      Is Deploy OSP18 with logging enabled
      Can deploy OSP18 using install_yamls process.


      Discussion: https://redhat-internal.slack.com/archives/C04ML02E1JQ/p1710777501047609

      For compute-node logging, it can be tested in the following was:

      • Create a cluster-logging namespace
      • Enable logging in T-O
      • Enable logging in OpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
      • Run dataplane installation
      • Check that rsyslog configuration is correct
      • /etc/rsyslog.d/10-telemetry.conf

      Approach will be to create a new job initially, with the minimum functionality, so that we can get the test up and running quicker.

      Once the initial job is working, we can assess when it’ll live on  a more permanent basis.



      Log Collector Syslog Server slides

      • Before OSP18: We used rsyslog and ES
      • OSP 18.0: rsyslog sends logs to Vector(OCP log collector) and Vector sends logs to Loki
      • For the control plane: Vector itself goes to the running pods and gets the logs itself
      • rsyslog configuration file
      • Is Vector deployed by default?  No
        • Vector is deployed by the cluster-logging-operator, which is not deployed by default
        • it is a metallb service on the cluster-logging namespace created by the telemetry-operator. It exposes Vector to openstack internal network
        • T-O should take care of everything if cluster-logging-operator is installed and the collector is running, which is not trivial
      • To deploy and test logging:
        • Logging-deployment repo
        • we have to enable logging in the compute nodes,we have to provide a correct path where rsyslog should send the logs ,we have to deploy OCP with cluster-logging-operator and finally check that logs are getting into Loki database
          • the dataplane-operator takes care of configuing compute nodes for logging
          • need to add "logging" to the list of OpenStackDataPlaneServices list in the OpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet object
          • if logging enabled in the T-O configuration, 10-telemetry.conf and dataplane-operator will configure it in the compute nodes
          • Loki needs an S3 storage, and will refuse to work without that


      Polarian Logging Tests



            rhn-support-ayefimov Alex Yefimov
            lnatapov@redhat.com Leonid Natapov
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