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  1. Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift
  2. OSPRH-44

(Nova) Assess readiness to remove S-RBAC custom policy in 18.0 (zed)


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    • Resolution: Done
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    • False
    • OSP-598 - Project Scope Secure Role Based Access Control
    • 2023Q1
    • Compute

      To determine our readiness to remove the custom policy in OSP 18.0 we need to review Phase 1 work (Project Admin, Project Member, and Project Reader) completed in the Zed branches and determine the delta between what is in code for their branch and what is in custom policy. 

      1. Were Project Scoped Personas (Project Admin, Project Member, and Project Reader) completed by Zed's release?
      2. Do the codified solutions for Project Scoped Personas match the custom policy deployed shipped with OSP 17.0/17.1 (Wallaby)?
      3. If the codified solutions do not match the custom policy, what is the difference between the two?

      Please help us collect answers to the above questions in this Story so the S-RBAC Working Group can review and create a recommended path to officially deprecate and remove the S-RBAC custom policy.

            rribaud@redhat.com Rene Ribaud
            hrybacki@redhat.com Harry Rybacki
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