Resolution: Done
RHOSSTRAT-109 - Designate support for RHOSO Greenfield Deployment (Target 18.0 FR3)
OSPPlanningCycle3, 2023Q1, 2023Q3, 2023Q4
The designate miniDNS server is referenced by IP in the pools.yaml. How do we implement relatively static IPs that can be used by designate? One option is to use a mechanism similar to predictable IPs that Octavia uses, but that really only works for daemonsets. Should we use daemonsets for miniDNS?
The same problem exists for bind9 pods, but if stateful sets are used and the bind pool can reference binds by domain name then that could be used instead.
- is related to
OSPRH-8133 Implement predicable IPs for designate miniDNS and bind9 pods
- In Progress
OSPRH-8113 Should we use the designate network attachment for service-mdns-bind9 communication
- Closed