Resolution: Done-Errata
[RFE] Add a scenario test instances with cinder volumes launches on all compute nodes.
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
Description of problem:
Add a scenario test instances with cinder volumes launches on all compute nodes.
This details of this scenario test is below.
1. Required additional configuration
- volume_type_for_boot(string and one volume type can be assigned e.g. volume_type_for_boot = vol_type0)
- volume_types_for_data_volume(string and multiple volume type can be assigned with comma-separated, e.g. volume_types_for_data_volume = vol_type1, vol_type2,... )
2. Test steps
-1. Create an image by cirros or specified one in tempest.conf
-2. Create a keypair
-3. Create boot volumes with the image and volume type specified at volume_type_for_boot
-4. Boot instances with the volume in step3 on all compute nodes.
-5. Create volumes based on volume_types_for_data_volume, If 6 volume type is assigned, each volume type has a volume, the total number of volumes is 6 per instance. If the number of compute nodes is 100, each volume type has 100 volumes for instances.
-6. Attach volumes each volume type in step5 to an instance. As a result, each instance has 6 data volumes except boot volume and each data volume has different volume type.
-7. Assign Floating IP to all instances.
-8. Configure security group for ssh access to all instances.
-9. Confirm ssh access to all instances.
-10. Run write test to all volumes through ssh connection per instance.
-11. Clean up the resources, an instance, volumes, keypair, image.
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RHBA-2024:133297 Release of components for Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift 18.0