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  1. Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift
  2. OSPRH-2957

BZ#2080040 [RFE][RHOSP 18.0] Implement Prometheus-native scrape endpoint in Ceilometer notification agent


    • [RFE][RHOSP 18.0] Implement Prometheus-native scrape endpoint in Ceilometer notification agent
    • False
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    • False
    • OSPRH-4978Provide a metrics collection mechanism for OSP 18
    • Committed
    • Committed
    • Done
    • OSPRH-4978 - Provide a metrics collection mechanism for OSP 18
    • Proposed
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    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
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      .Ceilometer uses TCP publisher to expose data for Prometheus

      Ceilometer can now use the TCP publisher to publish metric data to sg-core, which exposes them for scraping by Prometheus.
      .Ceilometer uses TCP publisher to expose data for Prometheus Ceilometer can now use the TCP publisher to publish metric data to sg-core, which exposes them for scraping by Prometheus.
    • Feature
    • Done
    • Automated
    • OSPPlanningCycle3

      Description of problem: It is not possible to scrape Ceilometer with Prometheus to gather metrics data. The existing prometheus publisher in Ceilometer is actually a wrapper on the HTTP publisher to push information to the pushgateway.

      Unfortunately there are issues with this approach (as documented in the investigation spike STF-972). Metrics overwrite each other regardless of differing labels, making the pushgateway scenario non-viable.

      This epic covers the work required to result in a plugin to Ceilometer that provides a native scrape endpoing for Prometheus to connect to as part of the ceilometer_notification_agent.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): RHOSP 18.0

            rh-ee-jwysogla Jaromir Wysoglad
            jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
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            5 Start watching this issue
