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  1. Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift
  2. OSPRH-2590

Get Grafana deployed by telemetry-operator


    • Grafana in telemetry-operator
    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • OSPRH-811Red Hat OpenStack 18.0 Greenfield Deployment
    • Planned
    • Targeted
    • Proposed
    • Done
    • OSPRH-811 - Red Hat OpenStack 18.0 Greenfield Deployment
    • Committed
    • Proposed
    • Deploy
    • Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift

      Epic Overview

      As an OpenStack administrator, I want the system to provide access to a visualization component that shows the data collected.


      • implement support for Grafana Operator (community) using channel v5 by creating required yaml manifests
        • Grafana object to instantiate the workload container
        • GrafanaDatasource object to configure connection to Prometheus (Cluster Observability Operator controlled)
      • update telemetry CRD to provide an interface to control deployment of dashboarding
      • provide documentation for enablement of dashboarding and support status
      • provide documentation for installation of third-party components required to allow requests to the Grafana Operator from telemetry-operator
      • provide a level of integration testing that validates dashboarding continues to work

      Question: should telemetry-operator also provide an interface for the creation of dashboards, or should loading of dashboards be provided as a documentation post-enablement task? If dashboards are to be provided, need to scope out the dashboard queries, what dashboards are provided, etc.


      A list of specific needs or objectives that a Epic must deliver to satisfy the Feature.. Some requirements will be flagged as MVP. If an MVP gets shifted, the epic shifts.  If a non MVP requirement slips, it does not shift the epic.

      requirement Notes is Mvp?

      (Optional) Use Cases

      < How will the user interact with this epic? >

      < Which users will use this and when will they use it? >

      < Is this epic used as part of current user interface? >

      Out of Scope

      < What is not in a scope? >

      Background, and strategic fit

      < What does the person writing code, testing, documenting need to know? >


      < Are there assumptions being made regarding prerequisites and dependencies?>

      < Are there assumptions about hardware, software or people resources?>

      Customer Considerations

      < Are there specific customer environments that need to be considered (such as working with existing h/w and software)?>

      < Are there upgrade considerations that customers need to account for or that the feature should address on behalf of the customer?>

      Documentation Considerations

      < What educational or reference material (docs) is required to support this epic? For users/admins? Other functions (security officers, etc)? >

      < What does success look like?>

      < Does this epic have doc impact?  Possible values are: New Content, Updates to existing content,  Release Note, or No Doc Impact>

      < If unsure and no Technical Writer is available, please contact Content Strategy. If yes, complete the following.>

      • <What concepts do customers need to understand to be successful in [action]?>
      • <How do we expect customers will use the epic? For what purpose(s)?>
      • <What reference material might a customer want/need to complete [action]?>
      • <Is there source material that can be used as reference for the Technical Writer in writing the content? If yes, please link if available. >
      • <What is the doc impact (New Content, Updates to existing content, or Release Note)?>

      Interoperability Considerations

      < Which other products and versions in our portfolio does this feature impact?>

      < What interoperability test scenarios should be factored by the layered product(s)?>


      Question Outcome


            Unassigned Unassigned
            rhn-engineering-mrunge Matthias Runge
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
