Resolution: Done-Errata
Running (tempest) tests on NextGen
No Docs Impact
In Progress
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In order to run tests on NextGen, all test frameworks need to be at least containerized - have an image. Tempest already has one. It makes sense that the tempest plugins are part of that image as they are basically 'test batteries', in other words, they require tempest to run them. In case of other testing frameworks, right now Tobiko and Rally are in question, they should have their own image and thus an own container they'll be running from.
There are practically 3 ways how to execute tests:
- directly via podman - podman run
- a pod definition - oc create -f <pod definition>
- an operator - the most complex option
Tempest container is rebuilt every day (based on the tag in RDO Antelope) using TCIB - the container definition here.
The test-operator is basically a hello world for a tempest's operator we may work on later -> tracked here
- how are we gonna run QA tooling (tempest, python-tempestconf) there?
- via a container -> in an operator, in a pod or directly via Podman -> all ways documented here: https://openstack-k8s-operators.github.io/test-operator/index.html
- does python-tempestconf need a standalone container?
- we run it only if we plan to run tempest, so it's ok if tempestconf is a part of tempest container, however, it would be good if we could run only tempestconf (without tempest)
- what existing tests from tempest and plugins can be reused/effectively run
- do we need new tests? if so, where? tempest? plugins? new plugin?
Steps to prepare an env:
- Install RHEL9.2
- Follow https://ci-framework.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quickstart/04_non-virt.html (https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OSP-27157)
- we are able to run Tempest with tempest plugins on OSP 18
- all issues encountered while running Tempest on OSP 18 are recorded (Jira, BZs ...) and linked from here (this epic)
- all child issues are addressed (completed, closed or moved elsewhere)
Useful links:
Steps to run Tempest on OpenShift doc
https://opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-common/src/branch/master/container-images/tcib/base/os/tempest/tempest.yaml <- probably superseded by https://github.com/openstack-k8s-operators/tcib/tree/main/container-images/tcib/base/os/tempest
NextGen QE Q2 Notes:
NextGen Dev Preview Doc:
- is related to
OSPRH-2414 [RFE] Podified Control Plane : Tempest (testing) operator
- Closed
- relates to
OSPRH-4950 Move downstream-only tempest plugins to upstream
- Closed
- links to
RHBA-2024:135531 OpenStack Operators