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  1. Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift
  2. OSPRH-13028

Install systemd-machined (systemd-container rpm) for greenfield without requiring a reboot


    • False
    • False
    • Committed
    • Proposed
    • openstack-tripleo-heat-templates-14.3.1-17.1.20241002150750.e7c7ce3.el9osttrunk
    • Committed
    • Committed
    • None

      Currently, installing OSP17.1.4 as a greenfield, and also updating it from OSP17.x, require a compute node reboot in order to apply the delayed installation of the systemd-container package. See the background story for "why it does" in bz2247302.

      This situation is OK for the OSP17 lifecycle. However, it became a blocker for the adoption of workloads from OSP17 to RHOSO18. We should not require a greenfiled 17.1.4 deployment reboot all hypervisors and live migrate VMs, before the adoption can be started (and it cannot be started w/o systemd-container installed, to not interrupt running workloads during adoption).

      Note that the reboot-before-adoption requirement still applies to all OSP17.1.4 deployments updated from OSP17.x. There is NO such a requirement for FFU from OSP16.2.

          There are no Sub-Tasks for this issue.

              bdobreli@redhat.com Bohdan Dobrelia
              jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
              Joe Hakim Rahme Joe Hakim Rahme
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
