• False
    • False
    • Targeted
    • Targeted
    • ?
    • ?

      What is the probability and severity of the issue? I.e. the overall risk

      This will happen randomly when creating multiple network log objects at the same time, in general there is a chance of this happening if we are doing many operations on a short timespan and in parallel. Although it's not a common issue, the severity might be high, since it will return an error when creating this object and customer have been long waiting for this feature (Security Group Logging) and operations should not be dependent on one another.

      When QE tested the related bug, issue was found on the first stress testing attempt, reproducer steps are as in bug description [1].

      Does this affect specific configurations, hardware, environmental factors, etc.?

      This affects users who want to use Security Group Logging in 16.2

      Are any partners relying on this functionality in order to ship an ecosystem product?


      What proportion of our customers could hit this issue?

      100% who use security group logging as do as stated in the first answer.

      Does this happen for only a specific use case?


      What proportion of our CI infrastructure, automation, and test cases does this issue impact?

      None. We had to manually configure stress testing to trigger this failure.

      The basic test for security group logging actions is automated and covered in CI, the stress testing that revealed current issue, and configured to use same automated basic test isn't covered in CI jobs.

      Is this a regression in supported functionality from a previous release?

      It is supported in 17.1

      Is there a clear workaround?

      The only workaround would be to not do many operations related to log objects in a very small time frame

      If this is a UI issue:
      Is the UI still fit for its purpose/goal?

      Does the bug compromise the overall trustworthiness of the UI?

      Overall context and effort – is the overall impact bigger/worse than the bug in isolation? For example, 1 workaround might seem ok, 5 is getting ugly, 20 might be unacceptable (rough numbers).

      It seems to be easy to create an isolated small commit to fix this (In progress, testing needed to make sure this change won't cause any more harm)

      On the QE side the reproducer steps for fix verification are easy and quick to carry out.

      [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2192918#c0


              Unassigned Unassigned
              jjoyce@redhat.com Jason Joyce
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              9 Start watching this issue
