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  1. Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift
  2. OSPRH-12621

BZ#2327073 Deployment fails when "Admin" role is used instead of "admin"


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      Deployment fails when "Admin" role is used instead of "admin"

      2024-11-11 17:59:45.554368 | 5254004f-c4cc-0087-5c62-000000025bc7 | FATAL | Check Keystone project status | undercloud | item=admin | error={"ansible_job_id": "901918136722.833438", "ansible_loop_var": "tripleo_keystone_resources_project_async_result_item", "attempts": 2, "changed": false, "extra_data": {"data": null, "details": "Conflict occurred attempting to store project - it is not permitted to have two projects with either the same name or same id in the same domain: name is admin, project id 729134342b114477bc625245c27ea1b0.", "response": "{\"error\":{\"code\":409,\"message\":\"Conflict occurred attempting to store project - it is not permitted to have two projects with either the same name or same id in the same domain: name is admin, project id 729134342b114477bc625245c27ea1b0.\",\"title\":\"Conflict\"}}\n"}, "finished": 1, "msg": "ConflictException: 409: Client Error for url: https://localhost:13000/v3/projects, Conflict occurred attempting to store project - it is not permitted to have two projects with either the same name or same id in the same domain: name is admin, project id 729134342b114477bc625245c27ea1b0.", "results_file": "/root/.ansible_async/901918136722.833438", "started": 1, "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": [], "tripleo_keystone_resources_project_async_result_item": {"ansible_job_id": "901918136722.833438", "ansible_loop_var": "tripleo_keystone_resources_project", "changed": true, "failed": 0, "finished": 0, "results_file": "/root/.ansible_async/901918136722.833438", "started": 1, "tripleo_keystone_resources_project": "admin"}}
      host: undercloud, task: TASK: tripleo_keystone_resources : Create admin role
      2024-11-11 17:59:45.555445 | 5254004f-c4cc-0087-5c62-000000025bc7 | TIMING | tripleo_keystone_resources : Check Keystone project status | undercloud | 0:20:03.042287 | 5.60s

              ggrasza@redhat.com Grzegorz Grasza
              jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
              Joe Hakim Rahme Joe Hakim Rahme
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
