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  1. Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift
  2. OSPRH-123

Explore best way to deploy libvirt from the nova-operator


    • Icon: Spike Spike
    • Resolution: Obsolete
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      This is currently blocked on agreement with pm on path forward.

      This is currently blocked on agreement with pm on path forward.
    • False
    • RHOSSTRAT-270 - Red Hat OpenStack 18.0 Greenfield Deployment
    • 2023Q1

      for many reasons, including minimising the number of packages we install on the host, we install libvirt via a container.

      This allows us to manage our libvirt dependency in the same way as the rest of nova.
      vai a ooo container leveraging the same build and packaging mechanism as we use for nova.

      For mix rhel however, this complicates that as the libvirt container needs to match the host os to achieve the sable abi required to avoid recertification.

      with the recent pivot of osp 18 and what that means for EDPM
      the question has been raised should we revert back to host installing libvirt.

      this spike is intended to answer that question

              smooney@redhat.com Sean Mooney
              smooney@redhat.com Sean Mooney
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