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  1. Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift
  2. OSPRH-10571

Automate deployment of TripleO IPv6 environment for adoption validation


    • Neutron Sprint 1, Neutron Sprint 2

      To validate and document how IPv6 adoption works, one needs an environment. This task is to learn / implement the standing-up of the dataplane side of the cluster with IPv6. Namely, the tripleo ipv6 standalone environment.


      There is already "standalone" make target in install-yamls that will bring up a regular ipv4 environment. We should now learn / implement the same for ipv6, preferrably as another simple make target that just works.



      • with a (set of) simple steps that are well documented in install-yamls, I am able to stand up tripleo ipv6 environment that I can use for later adoption. All endpoints for all services should use ipv6 addresses.
      • The resulting environment is ready to be used for adoption into the new control plane. (The stand-up of the latter is tracked in a separate task.)

              mtomaska@redhat.com Miro Tomaska
              ihrachys Ihar Hrachyshka
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