Resolution: Done
Some customers hit the following error when deploying STF with observabilityStrategy: use_community, the Prometheus Operator deployed, and no COO.
2024-06-27T05:24:43.253007084Z TASK [Ensure no rhobs Prometheus is installed if not using it] ******************************** 2024-06-27T05:24:43.253007084Z fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to find exact match for monitoring.rhobs/v1.prometheus by [kind, name, singularName, shortNames]"}
The workaround for these cases is to deploy COO anyways, deploy Prometheus community operator, deploy STF with use_community strategy and then disable COO.
Related change: https://github.com/infrawatch/service-telemetry-operator/pull/421
- links to
RHBA-2024:138183 Release of components for Service Telemetry Framework 1.5 - Container Images