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  1. OpenStack as Infra
  2. OSASINFRA-3238

Installer: ensure all network fields has IPv6 primary CIDRs when VIPs contain IPv6 primay addresses


    • ShiftStack Sprint 243, ShiftStack Sprint 244, ShiftStack Sprint 245, ShiftStack Sprint 265, ShiftStack Sprint 266

      Right now, if the VIPs have IPv6 listed first in the list of addresses, but the network fields like machineNetwork, clusterNetwork or serviceNetwork contains IPv4 primary address, the installation would progress and the bootstrap would end failing.
      A validation needs to be included to ensure all required fields are IPv6 primary.

      Change would likely be implemented here https://github.com/openshift/installer/blob/master/pkg/types/validation/installconfig.go#L241

              rh-ee-dkokkino Danny Kokkinos
              mdemaced Maysa De Macedo Souza
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
