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  1. OpenStack as Infra
  2. OSASINFRA-2412

Support Octavia Load Balancer for OpenShift Apps and Services


    • Support Octavia Amphora Load Balancer for OpenShift Apps and Services
    • False
    • False
    • Done
    • OCPPLAN-6497 - ShiftonStack (SoS) External Load balancer flexibility
    • 0% To Do, 8% In Progress, 92% Done
    • Undefined

      Goal: Support load balancing of apps and services on OpenStack with Octavia
      Non-Goals: Replacing the built-in API load balancer solution that uses keepalived/haproxy and is included with on-prem IPI installs for bare metal, vsphere, openstack

      All other public cloud platforms in OpenShift allow Kubernetes ingresses to use the underlying LBAAS to manage external access to apps and services. This is a service gap of OpenStack. When a user creates a service of type:loadbalancer in OpenShift, it leverages the cloud-provider to create a loadbalancer for that resource in the underlying cloud. Ingress Controllers are also capable of creating load balancers in the underlying cloud, however they do so by creating a Service Type LB, so there should not be any additional work to support them. The code we are integrating from the out of tree cloud provider should contain the necessary commits to support Octavia Amphora, however it is up to us to verify that, and integrate it into our platform.

      Acceptance Criteria

      • Ensure that all the necessary code to support octavia amphora load balancers for Service Type LB is in the cloud provider
      • Verify that we can load balance http and non http traffic (UDP, other TCP or SCTP) with octavia Service Type LB
      • Make sure that the correct Cloud.Conf settings are configured by default --> possible kuryr compatibility modification needed here
      • Create appropriate CI tests to cover this feature
      • Create a test plan and verify this feature in QE
      • Docs (should be minimal if any for this feature)

      Weak dependency on

      • Out of Tree cloud provider for additional LB capabilities (to confirm)

      User Stories
      As a user, I would like to create a Service Type LB or an ingress controller in OpenShift that exposes my app or service on an Octavia Amphora or OVN load balancer.

      As a user, I want to run an app or service that exposes a non-http api endpoint in OpenShift, and do not want to manually load balance a node port as it creates a SPOF

      See: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RFE-1532 as well

            maandre@redhat.com Martin André
            iamemilio Emilio Garcia (Inactive)
            Jon Uriarte Jon Uriarte
            1 Vote for this issue
            9 Start watching this issue
