Resolution: Done
=== Notes ===
This version changes version of FishEye to 2.4.1 and some our plugins.
Detailed description of changes in this version is here:https://svn.devel.redhat.com/repos/fisheye-extensions/tags/20101103-3_2/war/changelog.txt
=== Persons performing release steps ===
L - Lukas, V - Vlastimil
=== Pre-Release steps ===
1. [L] Create customized FishEye RPM - customization build described in https://docspace.corp.redhat.com/docs/DOC-47479 build from SVN tag https://svn.devel.redhat.com/repos/fisheye-extensions/tags/20101103-3_2
=== Backup steps ===
2. [L] Stop FE
=== FE installation ===
3. [L] Install new FE version using RPM
4. [L] Run new FE - LOC indexes update is started automatically after FE start
=== Test steps ===
5. [L] Smoke test functionality
6. [V] Smoke test functionality
== Clean steps ==
=== Rolback steps ===
1. [L] Stop FE
2. [L] Restore old FE customization using RPM
3. [L] Run FE
- clones
ORG-844 Release steps - FishEye jboss.org customization version 3.3
- Closed