Resolution: Done
=== Pre-Release steps ===
1. [R] Do svn merge of SBS theme from QA to PROD (https://svn.jboss.org/repos/cms/qa/sbs-theme/ to https://svn.jboss.org/repos/cms/prod/sbs-theme/)
2. [R] Do svn merge of theme from QA to PROD (https://svn.jboss.org/repos/cms/qa/theme/ to https://svn.jboss.org/repos/cms/prod/theme/)
=== Backup steps ===
3. [D] Turn on Main. page
4. [D] Backup database SBS
=== Release steps ===
5. [L] Remove plugins: nukes-forums-migration, human-friendly-urls, nukesauthentication, blogs-migration
6. [D] Stop SBS
7. [D] On Apache Web Server - svn up /services/web/www.jboss.org/htdocs/theme
8. [D] On Magnolia:
svn up /services/magnoliaAuthor/deploy/magnoliaAuthor.war/docroot/jbossorg
svn up /services/magnoliaPublic/deploy/magnoliaPublic.war/docroot/jbossorg
9. [D] On SBS:
svn up /usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/home/themes/jbossorg-sbs-theme/common_header/theme
svn revert -R /usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/home/themes/jbossorg-sbs-theme
svn up /usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/home/themes/jbossorg-sbs-theme
10. [D] Delete /usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/home/etc/spring.xml
11. [D] Delete in /usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/home/jive_startup.xml whole node <cache>
12. [D] Upgrade Jive SBS RPM: rpm -Uhv jive_sbs_employee-4.5.3.RHEL-5.x86_64.rpm
13. [D] Start SBS
14. [L] Go through upgrade steps
15. [D] Restart SBS
16. [D] Check all config files that we customize if they're not overwritten by SBS - especially jive apache configs
17. [L] Upload new plugins
18. [D] Restart SBS
=== Test steps ===
[L] Check all standard pages (mainpage, wiki article, forums, blogs)
[L] Check plugins (HF URL, Old Blogs URL, Old Forums URL, Old Wiki URL, Script console, Nukes Auth.)
[L] Try to create new article, edit it, delete it
=== Rollback steps ===
[D] Stop SBS
[D] Rollback DB from backup
[D] Downgrade SBS to 4.0.5
[D] Rollback common theme and sbs theme
=== Post release steps ===
[L] Rebuild search indexes (takes around 3 hours)