Resolution: Done
=== Pre-Release steps ===
1. [R] Do svn merge of SBS theme from QA to PROD (https://svn.jboss.org/repos/cms/qa/sbs-theme/ to https://svn.jboss.org/repos/cms/prod/sbs-theme/)
2. [R] Do svn merge of theme from QA to PROD (https://svn.jboss.org/repos/cms/qa/theme/ to https://svn.jboss.org/repos/cms/prod/theme/)
=== Common header update ===
3. [D] On Apache Web Server - svn up /services/web/www.jboss.org/htdocs/theme
4. [D] On Magnolia:
svn up /services/magnoliaAuthor/deploy/magnoliaAuthor.war/docroot/jbossorg
svn up /services/magnoliaPublic/deploy/magnoliaPublic.war/docroot/jbossorg
=== Upgrade to SBS ===
5. [D] Turn on maint. page for community.jboss.org
6. [D] Stop Clearspace instance
/etc/init.d/jbossas stop
7. [D] Backup clearspace DB
mysqldump clearspace > /root/clearspace-20100118.sql
8. [D] Create new database "sbs" and import data from the dump of clearspace DB.
create database sbs;
use sbs;
source /root/clearspace-20100118.sql
9. [D] Create new user "sbs" with access to sbs database.
CREATE USER 'sbs'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'some_pass';
mysql -u sbs -p
10. [D] Connect to Mysql as sbs user and delete plugins;
mysql -u sbs -p
delete from jivePlugin;
11. [D] Apply Puppet changes for clearspace module (install RPM, copy config files)
12. [D] Apply Puppet changes for apache configs (https://rt.corp.redhat.com/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=1642907#txn-16954417)
13. [D] Checkout theme:
cd /usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/home/themes
svn checkout https://svn.jboss.org/repos/cms/prod/sbs-theme/ jbossorg-sbs-theme
cd /usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/home/themes/jbossorg-sbs-theme/common_header
svn checkout https://svn.jboss.org/repos/cms/prod/theme/
chown -R jive:jive /usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/home/themes/jbossorg-sbs-theme
14. [D] Check that puppet already stopped not used services:
/etc/init.d/jive-jdcd status
/etc/init.d/jive-joosd status
15. [L] Follow upgrade steps (will take aprox. 1 hour - it will do some expensive DB operations)
16. [D] After upgrade Restart SBS
/etc/init.d/jive-application restart
17. [L] Change default theme to "jbossorg-sbs-theme"
18. [L] Add property "docverse.enabled" to false.
19. [L] Add property "jive.docdiff.byte.limit" with value 50000.
20. [L] Install plugins
21. [L] Create new permissions level called "Registered users"
22. [L] Go in admin console to Permissions -> Social Group Permissions and add group Everyone with View permission and Create group. Check that User group link on main page is present and then remove Create group permission for everyone.
23. [D] Rebuild search indexes:
/etc/init.d/jive-application stop
rm -rdf /usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/home/search/
/etc/init.d/jive-application start
24. [D,L] Wait until search indexes are rebuilded (in case that indexes will not be rebuilded in production in reasonable time, then do it on goomba server - see section "Search reindex on goomba server steps")
25. [L] Run script "1. Add permissions for Everyone, All registered ..." script
26. [D] Restart SBS
/etc/init.d/jive-application restart
Note: More info: https://docspace.corp.redhat.com/clearspace/docs/DOC-32280
=== Search reindex on goomba server steps ===
In case that will not be possible to create indexes in production we can do that on other machine like goomba by following steps:
1. [D] Create SBS DBD dump from production
2. [D] Stop SBS on Goomba
3. [D] import Dump it into Goomba Database.
4. [D] Remove current indexes: rm -rdf /usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/home/search/
5. [D] Start SBS
6. [D,L] Wait until indexes are rebuilded.
7. [D] stop SBS
8. [D] copy indexes /usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/home/search/ from goomba to production
=== Test steps ===
- [L] Go through whole site and test spaces
- [L] Try to create/modify article, discussion
== Clean steps ==
- [D] Drop database clearspace
- [D] Uninstall Clearspace (EAP, /services/clearspace)
=== Rolback steps ===
- [D] Uninstall SBS
- [D] Rollback Apache configuration
- [D] Start Clearspace