Uploaded image for project: 'jboss.org'
  1. jboss.org
  2. ORG-2258

Release Steps - DCP 2.0.0


      Release steps

      1. Upload newly created /configuration/data/config/security_restapi_cors.json configuration file - (https://github.com/searchisko/searchisko/issues/160)
      2. Update /configuration/index_templates/data_default.json index template (https://github.com/searchisko/searchisko/issues/143)
      3. Update sys_contributors mapping (https://github.com/searchisko/searchisko/issues/137)
      4. Update sys_projects to always contain product information by running sh init-projects.sh from ./configuration/data/projects/ directory.
      5. Jira mapping update and reindexation (https://github.com/searchisko/searchisko/pull/148 and ORG-2248)
        1. stop jira indexer - curl --user <LOGIN>:<PASSWORD> -X POST <DCP_URL>/v1/rest/indexer/jbossorg_jira_issue/_stop
        2. update mapping - sh init_mapping.sh data_jbossorg_jira/jbossorg_jira_issue.json <ES_API_URL> <LOGIN> <PASSWORD>
        3. Update river config - sh init_river.sh jbossorg_jira.json <ES_API_URL> <LOGIN> <PASSWORD>
        4. start river - curl --user <LOGIN>:<PASSWORD> -X POST <DCP_URL>/v1/rest/indexer/jbossorg_jira_issue/_restart
        5. (optional) force reindex - curl --user <LOGIN>:<PASSWORD> -X POST <DCP_URL>/v1/rest/indexer/jbossorg_jira_issue/_force_reindex
      6. SBS forums mapping update and reindexation (ORG-2248)
        1. stop sbs_forums indexer - curl --user <LOGIN>:<PASSWORD> -X POST <DCP_URL>/v1/rest/indexer/jbossorg_sbs_forum/_stop
        2. update mapping - sh init_mapping.sh data_jbossorg_sbs_forum/jbossorg_sbs_forum.json <ES_API_URL> <LOGIN> <PASSWORD>
        3. Update river config - sh init_river.sh jbossorg_sbs_forum.json <ES_API_URL> <LOGIN> <PASSWORD>
        4. start river - curl --user <LOGIN>:<PASSWORD> -X POST <DCP_URL>/v1/rest/indexer/jbossorg_sbs_forum/_restart
        5. (optional) force reindex - curl --user <LOGIN>:<PASSWORD> -X POST <DCP_URL>/v1/rest/indexer/jbossorg_sbs_forum/_force_reindex
      7. SBS articles mapping update and reindexation (ORG-2248)
        1. stop sbs_article indexer - curl --user <LOGIN>:<PASSWORD> -X POST <DCP_URL>/v1/rest/indexer/jbossorg_sbs_article/_stop
        2. update mapping - sh init_mapping.sh data_jbossorg_sbs_article/jbossorg_sbs_article.json <ES_API_URL> <LOGIN> <PASSWORD>
        3. Update river config - sh init_river.sh jbossorg_sbs_article.json <ES_API_URL> <LOGIN> <PASSWORD>
        4. start river - curl --user <LOGIN>:<PASSWORD> -X POST <DCP_URL>/v1/rest/indexer/jbossorg_sbs_article/_restart
        5. (optional) force reindex - curl --user <LOGIN>:<PASSWORD> -X POST <DCP_URL>/v1/rest/indexer/jbossorg_sbs_article/_force_reindex
      8. Push the new jbossorg provider definition (ORG-2248)
        1. sh init-provider.sh jbossorg.json <DCP_URL> <LOGIN> <PASSWORD>
      9. Feeds mapping update and reindexation from persistence (ORG-2248)
        1. update mapping - sh init_mapping.sh data_jbossorg_blog/jbossorg_blogpost.json <ES_API_URL> <LOGIN> <PASSWORD>
        2. reindex data from persistence - curl --user <LOGIN>:<PASSWORD> -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST '<DCP_URL>/v1/rest/tasks/task/reindex_from_persistence' -d '
          "sys_content_type" : "jbossorg_blog"
      10. Update AS configuration (https://github.com/searchisko/searchisko/pull/154)
        1. Copy this cache configuration into <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:infinispan:1.5"> section of standalone.xml:
          	<cache-container name="security" default-cache="auth-cache">
          		<local-cache name="auth-cache" batching="true">
          			<expiration lifespan="10000"/>
          	<cache-container name="searchisko">
          		<local-cache name="searchisko-user-roles">
          			<expiration lifespan="1800000"/>
        2. Update SearchiskoSecurityDomain from
          <security-domain name="SearchiskoSecurityDomain">


          <security-domain name="SearchiskoSecurityDomain" cache-type="infinispan">
      11. Update sys_projects definitions (ORG-2266) - execute ./configuration/data/project/init-projects.sh
      12. Upgrade all DCP clients to use /v2/rest API
        1. planet - ORG-2290
        2. www - TODO

      General Notes

      1. Because Searchisko 2.0.0 upgrades to Elasticsearch 1.3.0 (from 0.90.5) a full restart of Elasticsearch cluster is needed

              lvlcek@redhat.com Lukas Vlcek (Inactive)
              lkrzyzan@redhat.com Libor Krzyzanek
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