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  1. Operator Runtime
  2. OPRUN-2787

Increase visibility in the dev e2e suite to help improve debuggability


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • [OLM-225] PO - Qubernetes

      Summary: The e2e suite currently tests most of the behavior that we're trying to support during this initial phase. Occasionally, we'll see test case failures that are difficult/impossible to debug without seeing the current state of the PlatformOperator/BundleDeployment/etc. resources.

      Goal: Improve the visibility into individual test case failures when running the e2e suite in CI. Introduce some mechanism that outputs the YAML representation of relevant resources when a test case fails.

      Downstream mirror for https://github.com/openshift/platform-operators/issues/56.

            tflannag@redhat.com Tim Flannagan
            tflannag@redhat.com Tim Flannagan
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