Resolution: Obsolete
OCPPLAN-7751 - Descoping Preparation
Story: As a cluster-admin I do not expect namespace admins to have RBAC on the OLM Subscription API so that their attempts to install Operators result in easier to understand error conditions (missing RBAC is better than missing OperatorGroup and to allow for better customization on Subscription control.
Background: The existing RBAC on Subscription is unexpected as regular users do not normally get to install Operators. This is currently being gated by missing RBAC on OperatorGroup which, in a more indirect way, prevents non-admins from installing an Operator. The absence of RBAC on Susbcription would better communicate on why an non-cluster admin is not able to install an Operator and would also prevent Subscriptions without OperatorGroups in the first place.
Another use case is that customers want to allow namespace admins a certain level of control over an Operator they got installed by a admin, e.g. self-sufficiently decide that the Operator should update and when it should update. This collides with the existing RBAC on Subscription which grants the create verb. Achieving the desire RBAC is very complicated with the existing cluster role and requires custom project request templates that emulate the default template, sans the create privilege on Susbcription
Acceptance criteria:
- by default namespace-admins do not have any RBAC on Subscription
- incorporates
RFE-1485 Allowing non-cluster administrators to manage their Operator subscription
- Accepted