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  1. On Prem Networking
  2. OPNET-87

Add e2e test infrastructure to openshift/kubernetes-nmstate


    • 5
    • False
    • False
    • OCPPLAN-6114 - Advanced Bare Metal Host Networking in the IPI workflow
    • Undefined

      Before we can call kubernetes-nmstate GA, we need to have better testing in place. One major thing that we need is regular e2e testing. Because there are some differences deploying knmstate on OpenShift, we will need some OCP-specific test infrastructure in the repo.


      We need to verify that the associate PR successfully runs the nmstate e2e test. 

      There are 2 machine configs that may need to added to this repo, to work-around bugs. These should go in as a separate commits to the associated PR than the one linked in this story.


      Also, may need a makefile target for CI to call and run this E2E job.

            cstabler@redhat.com Christoph Stäbler
            bnemec@redhat.com Benjamin Nemec
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