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  1. On Prem Networking
  2. OPNET-197

Kubelet changes for vsphere dual stack


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    • OCPSTRAT-131 - IPv6 Dual Stack OCP Support for on VMWare/vSphere IPI

      In testing dual stack on vsphere we discovered that kubelet will not allow us to specify two ips on any platform except baremetal. We have a couple of options to deal with that:

      • Wait for https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/pull/3706 to merge and be implemented upstream. This almost certainly means we miss 4.13.
      • Wait for https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/pull/3706 to merge and then implement the design downstream. This involves risk of divergence from the eventual upstream design. We would probably only ship this way as tech preview and provide support exceptions for major customers.
      • Remove the setting of nodeip for kubelet. This should get around the limitation on providing dual IPs, but it means we're reliant on the default kubelet IP selection logic, which is...not good. We'd probably only be able to support this on single nic network configurations.

            mkowalsk@redhat.com Mat Kowalski
            bnemec@redhat.com Benjamin Nemec
            1 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
