Resolution: Unresolved
K8s 1.28 Support
7% To Do, 0% In Progress, 93% Done
- Meta Issue for k8s 1.28 bump
In order to bump Operator SDK to support Kubernetes 1.28 there are a few dependencies we rely on making the bump first.
- Meta Issue for k8s 1.28 bump
This issue is meant to help track all dependencies and the status of their bumps.
- Order of dependency bumps
{}Step 1: upgrade controller-runtime, controller-tools, helm, and operator-framework/operator-manifest-tools(can be done in parallel){}
- Order of dependency bumps
- [ ] sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime
- [ ] sigs.k8s.io/controller-tools
- [ ] operator-framework/operator-manifest-tools
{}Step 2: upgrade operator-framework/api and sigs.k8s.io/kubebuilder-declarative-pattern (can be done immediately after controller-runtime){}
- [ ] operator-framework/api
- [ ] sigs.k8s.io/kubebuilder-declarative-pattern
{}Step 3.1: upgrade operator-framework/operator-registry and operator-framework/operator-lib (can be done immediately after operator-framework/api){}
- [ ] operator-framework/operator-registry
- [ ] operator-framework/operator-lib
{}Step 3.2: upgrade kubebuilder (blocked until kubebuilder-declarative-pattern is bumped){}
- [ ] sigs.k8s.io/kubebuilder/v3
{}Step 4: upgrade operator-framework/helm-operator-plugins and operator-framework/java-operator-plugins{}
- [ ] operator-framework/helm-operator-plugins
- [ ] operator-framework/java-operator-plugins
{}Step 5: upgrade operator-framework/operator-sdk dependencies{}
- [ ] Bump Ginkgo/v2 and Kubebuilder 1.28
- [ ] Bump SDK to use k8s 1.28
- [ ] Bump envtest to 1.28
Upstream Github issue: https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-sdk/issues/6554
- clones
OPECO-2693 [UPSTREAM] Meta Issue for K8S 1.26 #6128
- Closed