Resolution: Won't Do
Refinement Backlog
User Story:
As an operator-lib or sdk user, I would like to have a readiness check function that:
- Writes my OperatorCondition as `Upgradeable=False` (reports readiness false)
- Waits for OLM to acknowledge that it has seen the condition (reports readiness false)
- Then no-ops or de-registers itself for the rest of the pod's life (reports readiness true)
- Works when chained with other readiness check functions (following any controller-runtime and/or client-go conventions)
so that I can
- Ensure that my pod does not go `ready` until after the OperatorCondition has been written and verified by OLM
- Avoid writing the same logic for every operator that needs a longer initialization or migration phase than pod readiness allows for
Acceptance Criteria:
Description of criteria:
- Upstream documentation
- PR to OCS operator to switch to the operator-framework provided readiness function
Engineering Details:
OperatorCondition docs: https://olm.operatorframework.io/docs/concepts/crds/operatorcondition/
Relevant BZ: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1927340
(likely we want to wait for the BZ to be addressed before delivering this, since fixing the BZ may include an API change)
- is related to
OCPPLAN-7777 Operator-SDK has first-class support for OLM
- Closed