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  1. OPCT - OpenShift Provider Compatibility Tool
  2. OPCT-182

[CI] Check the strategy to integrate results with OpenShift CI



    • Spike
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Normal
    • None
    • None
    • CI


      As a developer, I would like to check if we will  have advantage of integrating the periodics with OpenShift CI, so I can make sure the periodic is considering the conformance results provided by OPCT, not only the execution.


      Currently the periodics is targetting to run OPCT on the UPI environment with Platform agnostic (None and External) on vSphere platform. The job will create a cluster, run OPCT, log the results as artifacts files (stdout), and destroy the cluster. There is no integration of JUnit results with OpenShift CI, which means that the job is focusing in running OPCT, not looking the content of e2e and publishing it on OCP CI.

      That behavior is expected as we created that periodic targeting to run the OPCT and collect results only, regardless the conformance results that still have a lot of false-positives - even running in supported platform, like AWS and vSphere.

      Recently we created the report[1] command that has a feature to apply filters to improve the quality on results, like filtering failures only including in Suite, checking the Sippy API for flakes and remove intersections from older executions (that flow is used on the review process).


      The goal of this card is to check if we can create one step on OpenShift CI to extract the results from the 'report' command using one baseline results from the same Y-stream, when it exists, and review the results. If the results proves that there is no problem on the OCP installation, and there are no e2e failing on the conformance, we could report it on the step, or fail with find any issue.


      [1] https://redhat-openshift-ecosystem.github.io/provider-certification-tool/support-guide/#review-process


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              Unassigned Unassigned
              rhn-support-mrbraga Marco Braga
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