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  1. Origin Community Distribution of Kuberentes
  2. OKD-93

Figure out GitHub and PROW release permissions for okd-project org


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • OKD Sprint 233, OKD Sprint 234

      When performing an OKD release using skhoury@redhat.com's account via a Personal Access Token, we received an HTTP 403 using the GitHub CLI tool. This poses two problems:

      1. We don't know what permissions are actually required.
      2. It binds the permissions and credentials to an individual or gives a group of individuals a lot of unnecessarily elevated permissions. Thus, it may better to have them bound to a robot account.


      Done When:

      • We understand what permissions are required to create a GitHub release in both the okd-project/okd and okd-project/okd-scos repositories.
      • Either a robot GitHub account is created or another authentication mechanism (such as an OAuth application) is used.
      • The credentials needed to do that are created in both the OperateFirst Vault instance and the okd-team namespace on the Smaug cluster.

            rh-ee-aguidi Alex Guidi
            zzlotnik@redhat.com Zack Zlotnik
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
