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  1. Origin Community Distribution of Kubernetes
  2. OKD-227

4.18: ovnkube-node pods crash with database schema mismatch


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      The ovnkube-node pods are crash looping with:

      1010 23:12:06.421980 6605 ovnkube.go:137] failed to run ovnkube: [failed to initialize libovsdb NB client: failed to connect to unix:/var/run/ovn/ovnnb_db.sock: database OVN_Northbound validation error (8): database model contains a model for table Sample that does not exist in schema. database model contains a model for table Sampling_App that does not exist in schema. Mapper Error. Object type nbdb.ACL contains field SampleEst (*string) ovs tag sample_est: Column does not exist in schema. Mapper Error. Object type nbdb.NAT contains field Match (string) ovs tag match: Column does not exist in schema. database model contains a model for table Sample_Collector that does not exist in schema. Mapper Error. Object type nbdb.LogicalRouterPort contains field DhcpRelay (*string) ovs tag dhcp_relay: Column does not exist in schema. database model contains a model for table DHCP_Relay that does not exist in schema. database model contains a client index for table ACL that does not exist in schema, failed to start node network controller: error in syncing cache for *v1.Pod informer] 

      The ovn builds for cs9 are old and have not been built with the latest. The team is working to build the rpms and once we have it, we need builds of ovn-kubernetes with the latest ovn rpms to fix this issue.

              psundara@redhat.com Prashanth Sundararaman
              psundara@redhat.com Prashanth Sundararaman
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