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  1. OpenShift Dev Console
  2. ODC-7596

Show Pod Disruption warning message in Topology page


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • None
    • UI
    • None
    • ODC Sprint 3257, ODC Sprint 3258


      If there is any PDB with SufficientPods have allowed disruptions equal to 0, then when cluster admin tries to drain a node it will through error as Pod disruption budget is violated. So in order to avoid this, add a warning message in Topology page similar to Resource quota warning message to let the user know about this violation. 

      Acceptance Criteria

      1. Create a util where it will fetch PDB for namespace and return how many PDB with disruptionsAllowed is 0 and with SufficientPods, if the count is 1, return the name also so that we can redirect to it's details page
      2. Use the util in Topology page and add Warning message similar to resource quota warning message.
      3. On click of warning message, if there is one PDB which is violated then redirect to it's details page or else to PDB list page
      4. Add YellowExclamationTriangleIcon to PDB list page to Allowed disruption column where rows having allowed disruption equal to 0. Add beside the count.
      5. Create unit test for the util
      6. Add e2e test (Automate this or manual????)

      Additional Details:

      Internal doc for reference - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pa1jaYXPPMc-XhHt_syKecbrBaozhFg2_gKOz7E2JWw/edit

              rh-ee-lprabhu Lokananda Prabhu
              rh-ee-lprabhu Lokananda Prabhu
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